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Friday, August 1, 2008

Quick & Easy Model Stand

Looking for a quick and easy model stand? Check this out!!!!! I think I got this from my friend Dawn Whitelaw years ago when I was looking for a simple solution for my workshops. Certainly it can be used in your studio as well. Simply purchase a 4’x8’ sheet of 3/4” ply wood at your local hardware store (Home Depot will cut it in half for free!). Purchase four 5 gallon empty paint buckets from your local paint store. Place them on the floor, put the board on top and you have an instant model stand! Storage is easy too. Stack the buckets in the corner and slide the board up against the wall. A great solution that will serve any artist well.


Peggi Habets Studio said...

Thanks for that tip!!! Great idea. I've been enjoying your blog entries. Will you be speaking at the next portrait conference again? I attended your session last time and found to be so full of great advice and encouragement. Look forward to more.

MIchael Shane Neal said...

Thanks, Peggi! So appreciate your comments. Don't know the schedule for next years PSA, but they are probably putting things together now. Will keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY the solution I've been needing to start painting from life in my home studio!!! Thank you so much for posting this. Now I have no excuse :)

Elaine said...

HA! I thought I had an original idea by using buckets and plywood, but I see not! Everyone laughs but it works so well..I do mark where the buckets are positioned on the floor with tape and make sure the buckets fit into the corners of the plywood...they do slide around a lot..