
Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy visiting from time to time. I will have fun posting information related to current projects, my travels, or just random thoughts! Feel free to post your comments anytime.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Great New Book "I'd Rather be in the Studio!"

Michael Shane Neal and Alyson Stanfield 
at the Portrait Society Conference in 
Philadelphia, PA

I just read a wonderful new book for artists entitled I'd Rather Be in the Studio, The Artist's No-Excuse Guide to Self Promotion (www.idratherbeinthestudio.com) by Alyson Stanfield (www.ArtBizCoach.com). It is terrific! One of the best books I've read on helping artists to better organize their careers and it is full of excellent tips and strategies for marketing your work. A quick read I devoured it on a plane flight and extended layover in the Atlanta airport. In fact, i created this blog as a result of Allyson's strong belief in the importance of "blogging" by artists. It is a must reference for any artist working today.


Alyson B. Stanfield said...

Thanks, Shane! And I found you through Google Alerts (another mention in the book).

Also, since you're new to Blogger, you will want to change your comment settings to allow non-Google account holders (everyone else!). It's friendlier, which is what the blogosphere is all about. Normally, I leave comments using my artbizblog.com address, but can't do that when the Blogger settings are configured to their default. It's a lesson I "teach" all my first-time bloggers.

Enjoy the blog! It's amazing how quickly you got this up.

MIchael Shane Neal said...

Great! Thanks, Alyson. So appreciate your stopping by and the terrific suggestions. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

I as well just finished Alyson's book and started a blog because of her suggestions.
It has been really fun. Would love your comments.
Visit main page of my website and look for blog link at
See you in Philly.